Computer-Aided Design Benefits for Inventors
Ever have an idea for a product that people might want to buy? You might try to find an investor based on only your verbal description but that is unlikely. A detailed engineering drawing and color 3D illustrations will definitely increase your trustworthiness with potential investors. And if you have a working prototype, that is the crème de la crème for credibility. CAD provides your pathway to getting all of this done in one clear process.
I have a very strict policy of not sharing the creative initiatives of startups I have helped. Customers however have given permission to show the examples at the bottom of this page. And here are a few insights I have gained through experience.
Very, very rarely can a new product be described to a designer in such a way that no changes are required during development. Iteration is inevitable as the design matures.
Manufacturability and usability must be considered early in the design process. These factors affect cost, reliability, and whether a customer is happy using your product.
The method used to produce a prototype can be different than the method used for the production design as long as the design satisfies the requirements of both processes.
Make sure you have a designer that knows how to work with a manufacturer to avoid production problems. There are many file types possible for CNC machining and it is important that everyone has the proper capabilities.
Don’t get frustrated. Turning a dream into a reality generally takes longer and more effort than the person who had the original idea expected.
I suggest you also read over the Designing for Manufacturing page on this website.
The more research you can personally do in design and manufacturing processes, the more likely the possibility of turning your dream into reality.

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