Computer-Aided Design Benefits for Non-profits
Museums, historical societies and social programs generally depend on grants to achieve their goals. Obtaining grants is a competitive effort because there is only so much money to go around. Just as inventors need to demonstrate the credibility of their ideas, so do grant seekers. Philanthropists want to know where their money is going before they open their pocket book. CAD produced 3D color drawings in the grant application package illustrate to the giver how their money will be spent. And with some supplementary data, such as a bill of material, included in the grant application package, potential benefactors are given insight into the total cost associated with completing the project. The bottom line is that the greater the quality of your grant application, the greater the chances of success.
The example shown below was produced to meet the needs of the South Park Rail Society. SPRS is currently managing the effort to recreate the historic rail yard that was located in Como, Colorado at the start of the twentieth century. The effort requires hundreds of thousands of dollars and is totally dependent on the generosity of individuals and philanthropic organizations. One of the more expensive parts of the project involved building a replica 42,000 gallon wood water tank. Over one hundred pages of engineering were produced by me to demonstrate the viability of this idea and that product has resulted in sufficient funding to start the water tank build.