Home Remodeling Projects
These projects can range from replacing kitchen cabinets to adding a new room. Regardless of size, unfortunately, issues sometimes occur because the homeowner is unable to communicate clearly what they are expecting. Or perhaps after construction starts the homeowner realizes that their original concept is not as functional as they thought. Computer-aided design can help minimize these problems.
Design drawings can be as simple as 2D black and white images showing shape, dimensions, and materials. If desirable, three-dimensional color illustrations can be prepared to better illustrate what the buyer anticipates. The cost of preparing such representations is generally quite small compared to overall construction costs. For the contractor, detailed drawings allow them to better calculate material needs, construction difficulties and perhaps use them as attachments to permit applications. With both party's agreement, engineering drawings can also become part of the remodeling contract. Putting as much information about the job in writing helps to resolve disagreements during and after work is completed.
Suppliers of materials such as glass, cabinet wood, and metals are increasingly turning to computer numerical control (CNC) machinery for making custom products. The reasons for this are obvious; it reduces labor hours and increases quality. CAD provides remodeling contractors the ability to take advantage of CNC parts because in addition to drawings, producing CNC files is also a product of CAD software.
Several examples of using CAD for remodeling projects are shown below.
Walkway Replacement
Custom Kitchen Cabinet
Access After Lot Division
Older Building Remodeling Study for Use as a Gym